Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry blog

Thursday 27 November 2014

Heading north

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


Another successful day yesterday, with the wirewalker mooring and both of the gliders recovered very quickly. Jo Hopkins immediately removed all of the instruments from the wirewalker, and strapped them to the CTD ready for the next time we lowered it through the water. This allows Jo to calibrate the wirewalker data with the data collected by the CTD, with the CTD data all calibrated against analysis of samples we collect in the sample bottles. Every profile of data we collect through the water with the CTD involves samples being collected for salt concentration, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll. These samples are analysed against known, internationally-recognised standards and lab techniques, so that we can calibrate the sensors on the CTD and estimate the error associated with their measurements. This is a vital part of any science: no other scientist would allow us to publish our results if we couldn’t demonstrate that our measurements achieved acceptable standards.

omg glider recovery

We can measure salt concentration to within about 2 thousandths of a gramme in 1 kg of seawater. We need to know salt to this level of accuracy because it has, along with temperature, a big influence on how dense the seawater is. The sea is always attempting to sort itself out so that less dense water floats above denser water, so knowing salt and temperature can tell us a lot about how the water will be moving. I’ve mentioned dissolved oxygen before in the context of Chata’s work – biology both produces oxygen (when the microbial plants are glowing) and consumes oxygen (when bacteria break down the organic matter), so accurate data on the oxygen in the water tells us a lot about how the biology is operating. Chlorophyll in the ocean is the same green stuff that you see in leaves and grass – the chemical that plants use to collect energy from sunlight. Chlorophyll is particularly good for plants that live in the ocean. Sunlight is absorbed very quickly as it passes downward from the sea surface. All of the red light from the sun is absorbed within the first 1 metre below the sea surface. Blue light travels the deepest in the sea, and chlorophyll is well suited to capturing energy from blue light. Clearly this is an advantage for the microbial plants in the sea, as they are mixed through the upper few 10s of metres and need to maximise their chances of collecting the sun’s energy. But why should land-based plants use chlorophyll when they don’t have the problem of metres of ocean absorbing the light? Photosynthesis first evolved in the ocean. Land-based plants haven’t bothered to evolve a form of photosynthesis more suited to life above the sea, instead they just highjacked the system that the ocean’s microbial plants had developed. Quite literally. At the heart of the photosynthesising biochemical machinery in every leaf lies a light-capturing system that can be genetically traced right back to photosynthesising marine bacteria.

Billy does the salts

We’ve started to head north through the Celtic Sea now, stopping every 25 km or so to lower the CTD through the water and collect more information. The wind has picked up, with about 25-30 knots now. The sea is looking rough, but it’ll take a few hours for the swell to pick up and start to move us about.

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Wednesday 26 November 2014

November weather

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


The remarkable weather continued yesterday as we continued a series of measurements and zooplankton nets next to the moorings. A couple of scientists were even spotted sunbathing between net hauls. The wind continued to drop, and the sea finally reached a glassy state by sunset. Pretty good for November in the Celtic Sea.

The winning picture of the salps in the process of releasing faecal material into the water is below: look at the streaks of back trailing from the curl of colonial salps in the lower left of the picture. Some of these salp groups are reaching lengths close to 2 metres.

chain of salps

salps cought pooing
 This morning just as the sun came up we carried out one vertical profile with the CTD just next to the wirewalker mooring. That will provide Jo Hopkins with vital data for her to calibrate the instruments on the mooring. We are now pulling up the wirewalker, and will then head off to collect the 2 gliders that neeed to come back with us. The glider “pilot” back at the Oceanography Centre has sent instructions to the gliders to meet as at a specific location, so the gliders will have dutifully reached that position this morning and will now be bobbing about on the surface waiting for us.
ctd at down

The weather is due to close in tomorrow, with 25-30 knots of wind expected from mid afternoon through to mid afternoon on Friday. But the longer term forecast is suggesting a return to these calm, sunny conditions. Feels strange for this time of year, but none of us are complaining.

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Tuesday 25 November 2014

More jellies

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


The children at Churchtown Primary School are I gather busy working on the questions we asked them about sinking salp poo. The zooplankton group on board are getting very excited about their results, and already planning the scientific papers that they want to write. We collected more of the zooplankton yesterday so that we can make better estimates of the rate at which they eat and the rate at which they release the faecal pellets. In an attempt to get an idea of what these delicate organisms look like in the ocean we attached a few waterproof cameras to the CTD, and lowered them into the sea surface to record pictures for half an hour or so. I set the challenge to get a picture of a jellyfish or salp in the process of releasing faecal pellets into the water. There was a clear winner (Clare Ostle, from the University of East Anglia), but she was working very early this morning and is currently in bed – so I’ll get the photo for tomorrow.

an interesting bucket of jellies

Meanwhile, to help the kids at Churchtown think about this problem, the picture below has some good examples of the salps (the long, tubular jellies, connected in spirals) and the tiny jellyfish. Another rally interesting organism in this photo can also be seen, just about. The photo looks like it has a fine sprinkling of sawdust in it. These are tiny colonies of a photosynthesising bacteria called trichodesmium. It’s special in the ocean because it is a nitrogen fixer – it is able to use nitrogen gas dissolved in seawater, rather than the form of inorganic nitrogen (nitrate) that most phytoplankton need. That means they can grow in areas where nitrate is in very low concentrations, such as the large areas of open ocean in the sub-tropics. Finding them here is odd, because there is enough nitrate around and so the trichodesmium should not have any advantage compared to other phytoplankton. I’ll find out a bit more about them for another blog entry.

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salps and tiny jellyfish

Monday 24 November 2014

The importance of zooplankton poo

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


At dawn this morning we reached the end of the iron sampling transect, crossing onto the edge of the continental shelf at a depth of about 250 metres. Quite a stunning sunrise, with flat calm seas. Not what you’d expect for November. The dreadful-looking forecast for the end of the week also appears to have dissipated, so we might be able to push our work further north into the Celtic Sea.

end of iron transect

We are about to head southeast for an hour or so, to return to the shelf edge site that we spent 3 days on earlier in the cruise. We need to repeat some of the Snowcatcher work there, and also the zooplankton biologists on board want to find some more salps and jellyfish to try out some experiments to determine how much they are eating and also what happens to the waste material that they excrete. I’ve asked the children at Churchtown Primary School in Southport to have a think about this problem – how quickly does a salp waste pellet (i.e. a salp poo) sink through the sea? It’s an important thing for us to know about. A fast sinking particle doesn’t give the bacteria in the water much time to breakdown the organic material before the pellet reaches the seabed. A slow-sinking pellet can be broken down into inorganic material before it reaches the seabed, and that inorganic material is then returned to the water where it is accessible to the phytoplankton. Also, sinking quickly means that the carbon in the pellet is removed from the ocean surface (and the atmosphere) very quickly – you could argue that the stability of Earth’s climate owes a great deal to zooplankton poo.

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Sunday 23 November 2014

Measuring growth of the microbes

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


Yesterday started with another of our pre-dawn set of measurements. Fundamental biological measurements we need from these pre-dawn CTDs are how fast the microbial plants (the phytoplankton) are absorbing and using carbon and nutrients, and how fast the bacteria are growing by using the organic matter available in the water. Think of these as the two ends of a food chain, with the phytoplankton converting the inorganic elements into organic material, and the bacteria breaking down the organic material back into the inorganic. Between them we have the zooplankton, and other marine animals, eating the organic material provided by the phytoplankton, and in turn providing waste material that the bacteria use.

Radioisotope lab1

Measuring uptake of elements by phytoplankton and bacteria requires very careful laboratory work. The method involves using tiny quantities of radioisotopes of the elements we are interested in (carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, silicate) and incubating samples of seawater that have been treated with these isotopes. After a set period of time the sample is filtered to collect the phytoplankton or bacteria, and the activity of the samples counted to tell us how much of the element the organisms used. We have two laboratories dedicated to this work on the ship. Alex Poulton (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton) and Kyle Mayers (University of Southampton) are working in one to measure the phytoplankton rates. Sharon McNeill from the Scottish Association for Marine Science in Oban is dealing with the bacteria rates.
We steamed quickly over to the deep ocean side of the shelf edge yesterday afternoon, and at about 8 pm we started the second of our line of sample stations to measure iron in the seawater. This line started in a deep canyon, and we are working up the wall of the canyon back towards the continental shelf.

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Radioisotope lab2

Saturday 22 November 2014

22 November, 2014 08:49

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


We had a very successful day yesterday – managed to get through all that was planned, plus most of what I’d planned for the next day as well. Deploying the moorings began shortly after 0800. This tends to be a long, careful process as the mooring wire is gradually unwound over the stern, instruments are clamped onto it at the planned depths, buoys are slotted in at key stages to hold it all up in the water, and then finally the 500 kg clump of chain is attached and dropped into the sea. By lunchtime we had deployed the long temperature/salt logger mooring and also the bedframe with the current meters. The second current meter mooring has been delayed until today, while the techs sort out an issue with the memory cards that it uses. That allowed us to go and hunt for the wandering wirewalker mooring and also the glider that we deployed when we first got here from Falmouth, but which has refused to dive.

Both the wirewalker and the glider have been sending us regular position information via a satellite link, which meant that finding them and getting them on board was very quick. We arrived back at the mooring site just after sunset, ready to do some more zooplankton work.

It’s a lovely day today – a glorious sunrise (complete with dolphins) and an almost flat sea. However, we’ve just heard that the long-term forecast is looking a little grim. A particularly nasty-looking low pressure system is due this side of the Atlantic next weekend. Forecasts that far out tend to be a little uncertain, but it’s worrying enough for us to think carefully about when we can get back to this site to recover the wirewalker and the 2 gliders that are here.

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Friday 21 November 2014

21 November, 2014 09:05

Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples


We arrived at the central Celtic Sea mooring site yesterday at 0930. Recovering the moorings was delayed a couple of hours while we waited for the wind to drop a little, but we began pulling them out of the sea shortly after lunch.

We have a fairly complex array of instruments on the moorings out here. There’s a weather buoy, provided to our project by the UK Met Office, plus a Cefas Smartbuoy that samples the surface biology and chemistry. The Met Office buoy doesn’t need servicing – they are designed to stay at sea sending back weather information for about 2 years. The Cefas buoy is looked after by Cefas scientists also working on this project. That leaves 3 other components that we need to service. The first mooring is a vertical line of acoustic current meters, anchored to the seabed and stretched upward by large buoys. These current meters are being used to measure turbulence in the sea, which allows us to calculate the supplies of nutrients towards the sea surface and how carbon is being mixed downward.

curretn meter buoy recovery
The second mooring is a relatively simple steel frame containing two acoustic current meters; this frame sits on the seabed, with the current meters looking upward and every 5 minutes measuring the flow of water in a series of 4 metre thick layers throughout the entire depth. Finally, the most complex of the moorings is a line holding about 25 temperature and salt loggers, anchored to the seabed and stretched up towards the sea surface by several buoys. These loggers, sampling every 1 minute, show us how stratified the water is, where in the water the thermocline is, and also if there are any waves running along the thermocline. All 3 moorings came up OK, though the string of loggers popped up about 1 km away from where we expected it to appear, requiring a bit of nifty ship manoeuvring by the captain to grab the mooring before it drifted onto the Cefas buoy. Once everything was on board, the National Marine Facilities engineers, along with Jo Hopkins and Chris Balfour from the Oceanography Centre in Liverpool, downloaded data, re-batteried instruments, and got the new mooring wires wrapped onto the winches ready for deployment.

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bedframe recovery