Ocean research cruise blog of Jonathan Sharples
Two new pieces of equipment deployed yesterday. First, the Ocean
Microstructure Glider (OMG). A glider does exactly what the name
suggests – it glides through the sea. By making itself heavier than the
water, and tilting its nose downward, it glides downwards. Then, when it
gets to the depth at which it has been instructed to turn round, it
makes itself lighter than the water, points the nose up and glides
towards the surface. Inside a glider are instruments similar to those on
the CTD – measuring water temperature, salt and plankton. The OMG also
has some specialised instruments for measuring the amount of turbulence
in the water. That’s what the “microstructure” part of the name refers
to – the sensors measure tiny changes in water currents associated with
turbulence. We are really interested in turbulence, as it mixes
nutrients, plankton and carbon through the water. The really neat thing
about gliders is that when they surface they can stick their tail end
out of the water and communicate back to shore via a satellite link,
transmitting data back and also receiving new instructions. Our gliders
are not controlled by us on the ship, but by scientists back at the
National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and in Liverpool.
wirewalker deployment |
Immediately the glider was away, we moved the ship clear and deployed
a “wirewalker” mooring. This again has instruments for measuring
temperature, salt and plankton, but it moves up and down a wire fixed to
an anchor on the seabed and a buoy at the sea surface. The action of
the waves on the buoy provides the energy that the wirewalker needs to
ratchet itself down the wire (so, a note to my nephew Ben there – yes we
do now have things that use the waves’ energy to power them! Your idea
was spot on); it then releases its grip on the wire and floats back up
to the surface. With decent waves (of which we’ve been having plenty)
the wirewalker can profile up and down the cable every 15 minutes or so.
Jo Hopkins for the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool is running
this instrument – she is keen to capture the details of how the water
is mixing as the weather cools into winter.
omg glider deployment2 |
We’ve lost a lot of our communications at the moment – certainly
internet and phones are out. Zoltan, the NMF computer tech, is working
through all possible causes and he’ll be calling on the ships ELT tech
as well. Hopefully we’ll be fixed soon. We still have access to the
National Marine Facilities Webmail though, so I can get these posts
through OK.
Original post
omg glider off |